
Everything You Missed From The Shimmering Skies Trailer – Fifteen New Characters?

Disney Lorcana Set 5 Shimmering Skies - Fifteen New Characters

While twenty new cards being revealed is pretty cool – what if we told you there were fifteen more? An in-depth look at the new trailer shows us a bunch of characters that could make it to new cards.

Most seem like new versions brought to life in this set. You can help us out as there are a few unknowns we’re still trying to identify. First off, a quick rundown of the plot revealed so far.

Shimmering Skies Lore

With a mix of the video trailer and press releases, we’ve cobbled together a more cohesive look at the lore of the latest set. We know the set is about a “realm-wide celebration” after Ursula was defeated, and the trailer shows the glimmers partying out in the realm.

“In Shimmering Skies, the realm of Lorcana holds a great festival to celebrate its recent victory over Ursula, achieved in the previous set, Ursula’s Return. While most of Lorcana participates in the vibrant, fun-filled activities, a new mystery begins as our Illumineers search for a way to repair the worsening damage the Ursula glimmer caused to the Great Illuminary.”

Press ReleaseAnnouncement

Trailer Story

Disney Lorcana Set 5 Shimmering Skies Trailer

The Realm of Lorcana is celebrating with a fairground, colorful bunting, castles, fireworks, fairground games, a food hall, and a huge concert. Goofy has kicked off a huge food fight, while Gazelle is singing on stage as (what looks like) story stars and Starlight Vial‘s float in the air.

Martin retreats behind the stage curtain, anxious about joining the song. As Vanellope Von Schweetz watches, an ink column crashes to the floor – falling from the Great Illuminary above. Wreck-It Ralph has nothing to do with this one!

Merlin – Intellectual Visionary takes a look with his overdeveloped brain and sees an Amber medallion and a shiny, new Illuminary. Compared to the one above that’s leaking ink and surrounded by inky swirls, something is definitely wrong.

Merlin points up at the problem, and the three Illumineers Venturo, Martin, and Shanzay look on. Inside, Basil investigates the Hall of Lorcana closely with the team, while Kronk and Sleepy guard the broken Hexwell Crown…

Martin and Basil find a hidden staircase taking them down to a study, where Martin finds the Amber medallion. The broken Hexwell crown half is guarded with unknown gadgets, but with Basil watching Martin, and Sleepy doing what he does best – an unknown shadow looms over the crown.

Back at the concert, Shanzay lends Martin a helping hand, and with their new medallion glowing they take the stage. The music crescendos, inky motif fireworks light up the sky, and Shimmering Skies is introduced with the 6-note musical tag we’ve heard before.

Every New Character

Some characters from the trailer have already had their cards shown, but there are a few new versions. They look different enough from any other card that it’s clear they’re new. We count fifteen new character versions – though they could be actions etc.

There are also a few we can’t quite identify that could be characters we know of or just background cast. Keep scrolling for screen grabs, and comment below if you have any guesses!

  • Bruni – Fire Salamander perches on the bunting
  • Two unknown characters enter the fairgrounds
  • An unknown bearded man sits at a stall
  • A new Prince Naveen strums a ukulele
  • Two unknown characters enter from the right of him
  • New Huey, Dewey, and Louie hide behind a table during the food fight
  • A new Goofy slips up and flings trays into the air
  • A new Minnie launches cupcakes while a new Mickey wields condiments
  • A new Donald and Daisy win a toy bear in a darts game
  • A new Hades and Hercules struggle for supremacy in an arm-wrestling match
  • A new Gazelle sings to the crowd – making her first appearance in Disney Lorcana
  • Vanellope Von Schweetz – Sugar Rush Champ thinks Wreck-It Ralph – Demolition Dude broke the Illuminary
  • Merlin – Intellectual Visionary checks out the problem
  • A new Basil investigates the Hall of Lorcana
  • A new Kronk and Sleepy guard the broken Hexwell Crown

A couple of other cards have been mentioned or art shown. Check our full Lorcana Set 5 Shimmering Skies Release post for those.

As updates for the set come out, keep track of new card releases with our Shimmering Skies card list, which will be kept up to date as cards are shown.

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